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Application for the Conference is closed

as it reached the capacity.

However, application for the Reception is 

still available.

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This conference is run by receiving

Kumamoto 21 Project Fund aid.

Venue Address: Kumamoto City International Center4-18, Hanabata-cho, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto, 860-0806, JAPAN

Organizers: Fair Trade Kumamoto City Promotion Committee, The Institute of Fair Trade Town Japan (FTTJ)

Co-organizer: Kumamoto City

Special Cooperation: OISKA Kumamoto Prefecture (cooperation for plenary session and symposium)

Sponsors: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Kumamoto Prefecture, Kumamoto-nichinichi-shinbunsha, NHK Kumamoto (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), RKK Kumamoto Broadcasting Co., Ltd., TKU (TV-Kumamoto Co., Ltd.), KKT Kumamoto Kenmin Televison, Kumamoto Ashahi Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Kumamoto FM, FM791

Contact: Fair Trade Kumamoto City Promotion Committee Secretariate

Tel&Fax: +81-96-3624130


© 2013-2014 by The8th International Fair Trade Towns Conference in Kumamoto

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